AGDTP Alpha 0.1

Hey all you disgusting kids!

If anyone out there is actually interested in this project, then I want to say "Thank you!" because I've put a lot of effort into this, and I hope I get lucky enough to see it to the end! The game is nowhere near finished, but I think it necessary to let people try it out in its early stages. Now, without further adieu, i'm going to list every single patch note that has lead to this point (PreAlpha - Alpha 0.1).


-Anthropomorphic Ginger (JamSnack)

- Dev tools removes.
- Ladders have an item description.
- Uncompressed music.
- Fixed gremlin spawning bug.
- Building placement thingy.
- Enlarged task/to-do text.
- Removed ability to open the crafting menu inbetween time.
- Fixed breaking animations.
- Drillins now have a separate "Follow Range" that they will use to chase the player after they have been aggroed.
- World generating error possible fixed.
- Fixed lobby dev tool error.
- Hotfixed ladders.
- Player will now fall through ladders.
- Added Pie HP bar to HUD.
- Fixed Gremlin Ai bug.
- Compressed Music files.
- Fixed building indicator.
- Projectile no longer despawn when contacting NullLight.
- Camera returns to pie when the player dies.
- Melee projectiles have a more generous tile pierce.
- Enemies hit harder but grant more invicibility frames.
- Fixed world gen bug where there would be a line of ungenerated tiles at the bottom of the map.
- Fixed world gen bug where trees would enter an infinite loop and crash the game.
- Added an exit button to the menu.
- Balanced all mobs.
- Added tile priority to Drillins.
- Arrow type projectiles no longer have friction.
- Fixed bug with ladders.
- Added parallax background.
- Relative to x and y axis.
- Updated background sprites.
- Updated Sprites
- Workbench
- Platform
- Packed Dirt
- Tree Tile
- Packed Stone
- Bomb king
- Tree Crown
- Background
- Fixed bug with building system.
- Slight optimizations.
- Balanced difficulty scaling.
- Added Packed Stone Wall item.
- Updated Player sprites.
- Added click-hole building.
- Tweaked player tile destruction.
- Fixed wave spawner exploit.
- Fixed Gremlin's not attacking tiles underneath them.
- Improved Enemy Knockback.
- Inventory improvements.
- Fixed bomb crash.
- Herobrine removed.
- Added bomb king wave boss.

If you're interested in watching me struggle to entertain an online audience and fail at maintaining a cohesive schedule, then you may be interested in the devlog series I am running about this game!



AGDTP vAlpha 0.1 4 MB
May 11, 2020

Get A Good Day to Pie


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